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2차 등교개학 첫날

by 고서방 2020. 5. 28.

2차 등교개학 첫날

2차 등교개학 첫날인 어제 27일
개학이 시작하자마자 대구 수성구에
위치해 있는 오성고에서 19살 학생
1명이 코로나에 감염되었다는
기사가 올라왔습니다.

27th, the first day of the second day of school.
As soon as school starts, Daegu Suseong-gu
a 19-year-old student at Oseong High School, where he is located.
One of them said he was infected with Corona.
There's an article.

코로나19에 걸린 학생은 등교중지 
안내문을 받았으며,열은 없었으나
약간의 기침만 있었던것으로 알려졌습니다.

Students with Corona 19 will be suspended from school.
I got a note, no fever,
It is known that there was only a slight cough

2차 등교개학 첫날에 코로나19에
감염된 학생이 과연 얼마나
많은 학생들과 접촉했을지도
모르고,추가 확진까지 생길수
있어 확진자가 나온 오성고를
포함한 주변 학교들도 다시 등교중지가 되었으며,
집에서 화성수업을 받기로 하였습니다.

First day of secondary school, Corona 19.
I don't know how many infected?
He may have contacted a lot of students.
You don't know, you can even get further confirmation.
There is. Oh Seong-go with confirmed cases.
Schools around the school, including the school, have been suspended again.
I decided to take Hwaseong class at home.

2차 등교개학이 시작한지
하루만에 이러한 사태가 벌어지면서
여러 학교에서는 등교연기를 하자는
목소리가 커지고 있으며, 수업 전반기는
집에서 화상수업을 해야한다는 주장이
다시금 커지고 있습니다.

It's been since secondary school started.
This happened in a day.
In many schools, there's a reason why I want to go to school.
His voice is growing, and the first half of the class is...
The argument for video lessons at home.
It's getting bigger again.

현재 전국 초,중,고등학교에서는
개학을 연기한 학교들만 500여곳이
넘었으며, 확진자가 대구시 뿐만아니라
서울시에서도 고등학생이 확진자가
나와 문제가 꾸준히 생기고 있는 상황입니다.

Currently, elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide,
About 500 schools have postponed the start of school.
It's over. Not only in Daegu City, but also in Daegu City,
In Seoul, there is a confirmed high school student.
There is a constant problem with me.

또한 청와대게시판에는 개학을 미뤄
달라는 청원이 꾸준히 올라올수 있으나
학교측에서는 화상수업으로는 부족한
부분이 너무많아 제대로 된 교육을
진행할 수 없다는 의견을 내놓기도 했습니다.

Also, the Cheong Wa Dae bulletin board postponed the start of school.
I'm sure there will be a steady stream of requests,
On the school side, video classes are not enough.
There's so much to learn.
They also suggested that they cannot proceed.

과연 공부가 우선인지,국제적인 질병을
치료 및 제거 하는게 중요한건지
다시한번 생각해 볼때가 아닌듯 싶습니다.
아무리 공부가 중요하다고는 해도
개개인,그리고 나라국민의 건강이
더 중요하지 않을까요?

Whether studying comes first or not, it's not just international disease.
I don't know if it's important to treat and remove.
I don't think it's time to think about it again.
No matter how important studying is,
Individuals, and the health of the nation's people,
Wouldn't it be more important?
